Children’s Quotes

I have gotten behind on the blog.  I will post our Florida vacation photos soon, but I wanted to do a catch up on funny/sweet things the kids have said.  I am just throwing in random photos.  Some are from Dylan’s first days of kindergarten (fishing for letters, earning spots throughout the school day to look like a Holstein cow, and bringing in animal friends for music class).  Others are ones other people have sent me, birthday parties, skating parties, etc.  Anna won the limbo contest at Avery’s birthday party, so her mom sent me a photo of the girls in a text message.  The girls were so happy that Anna won the contest.  She received a free bag of popcorn which she shared with all of them.  Enjoy browsing through these!  Now for some quotes…

I heard Abby say from the bathroom, “Whenever I have to go potty and stinky (at the same time) it makes me nervous.”

Dylan was quickly trying to put his shirt on after going swimming.  He didn’t want his aunts to see him without his shirt.  He told me, “That would be rude.”

Dylan was concerned when I began writing his name in cursive on his school papers.  He said to me, “Don’t write it in curly.  Does anyone know how to read that?  Does Daddy?”

Dylan was helping me bake a pie.  I told him he was doing a really good job on it.  His response took me off guard as he sincerely answered back, “I appreciate that.”

Abigail got so excited as we exited church one evening.  She saw the night sky colored beautifully and the bright, big moon.  She exclaimed, “Oh, look!  Beautiful!!”  I loved seeing her awe of God’s handiwork.

Dylan told me he wanted to pray with me and tell Jesus that he wants Him in his heart.  He has already told Jesus this, but he wanted to again.  So I listened to him pray, and, afterwards, I told him how happy I am that he will be in Heaven some day with us.  I told him he needs to teach Abigail about Jesus too.  I could tell his mind was pondering this.  “But what if Abby HITS people in Heaven??!!” he said.  (The property value will surely go down with her there!)  Ha!  But, in all seriousness, I am glad God saves us by His grace.

I was helping Abigail wash her hands in the bathroom sink.  She saw herself in the mirror, and I began to hear her muttering about something.  She then looked at her image and said sternly, “I know you’re in there.  Stop copying me.”

Dylan was confused and asked me why shampoo got its name.  He asked why they would take a product meant to clean you and name it something that ends in “poo.”  These are serious questions from a five year old.

We were taking a fruit pie, complete with whipped topping, to a friend’s home for dinner.  We had just gone several weeks before to the martial arts picnic, where Cody got to enter a name of an instructor he wanted to see get a pie in the face.  This, apparently, confused Dylan because he questioned on the way to the Hollinger’s home if we were going to then throw the pie in Mr. Kevin’s and Mrs. Julie’s faces.  He asked so innocently that it made me smile.  Needless to say, we made sure he wasn’t in charge of carrying the pie in that night!

We played kickball that same evening at a court nearby with the Hollingers.  As we were leaving, Shawn accidentally shut the car door on Abigail’s finger.  It looked like such an awful sight, so we took her to the emergency room to make sure it wasn’t broken.  Abby sat on my lap the whole ride to the hospital.  She repeatedly cried out, “I broken, Mommy.”  That broke my heart to hear.  Thankfully, there were no broken bones, and she is completely mended now.

Abby told me, “Mommy, I know why butterflies are called butterflies.  They were made with a little bit of butter on the top of them.”

I asked Abby to carry something upstairs to put away for me.  She cheerfully said, “Okay!  That will be $100.”

Dylan mentioned to me one day that I take care of his daddy.  I thought that was cute that he thinks that way, but then, as I thought about it, we do.  I care for Shawn as Shawn does things to care for me.  I love that Dylan sees our relationship as that and knows that his mom and dad are there for each other.