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December 2014, Page 2


Snacked on Grinch Kabobs, Grinch punch, and Reese’s Christmas trees while continuing our weekend of Christmas movie watching!

No Party Poopers Allowed

Anna was running fever the day of our school Christmas party, so we had to miss out on the fun, well, all …

Journey to Bethlehem

Dylan and Abigail took us on a Journey to Bethlehem with their children’s choir this week.  We made cookies and ate them …

White Christmas Tree

This is our first morning of Christmas vacation!  We had fun celebrating with a festive breakfast made up of donut holes, gumdrops, and shimmering …

Audience of One

Sunday night Cody and Anna had their Christmas concert at church.  They had both tried out for solos this year for the …

Attitude of Gratitude

We spent Thanksgiving in Arkansas.  The kids loved getting to meet their newest cousin Cael while there.  They tried out Nana and …