Amazing Grace

Today, March 30, 2015, Abigail prayed and asked Jesus into her heart!  For about a month now, Abigail has been asking me questions about Jesus and Heaven.  Sometimes I am helping with school work or other chores at that moment, but when she asks, everything gets put on hold.  Well, today was one of those days.  She began telling me the Easter story.  I taught her and the other children at our school Easter party the Resurrection eggs.  Abigail likes to retell the story, even waving papers (her palm leaves) around shouting, “Hosanna!  Hosanna!”  Well, today she mentioned how excited she was to go to Heaven.  We sat on the bathroom floor (Yes, the bathroom is where this took place, but, hey, Jesus was born in a manger, right!)  So, after Abby finished washing her hands, we talked about our sin and Jesus’ amazing, wonderful gift to us.  She told me she wanted to ask Jesus into her heart, so we prayed.  Now, I have said it many times before…I don’t believe there is any magic prayer to accepting Jesus as Savior of our lives.  In fact, I think Abigail was a Christian before this prayer was ever prayed.  She just believes and has for awhile.  But I do feel there is something very important in proclaiming Christ as Lord of our lives, and Abby confessed Him today.  Anna sat in there with us as we prayed, and my eyes swelled with tears as I listened to Abby’s little voice speaking to God Himself.  And I also felt very humbled, as God knows I stopped to confess my own sin and shortcomings before we prayed.  You see, I felt a little on edge this morning, for some reason, like someone had bumped into my happy.  And I remember thinking, “Thank you, God, for using me in spite of and not because of.”  We are all sinners saved by God’s amazing grace.  Thank you, God, for your gift to Abby this day.  Help her to follow You throughout all her days.


*Some pictures from our evening tonight