My brother. My Hero.
I looked out the kitchen window to find Dylan, er Captain America, rescuing the princess!
I looked out the kitchen window to find Dylan, er Captain America, rescuing the princess!
Guess what? The tomb is empty. He is alive! Happy Easter, friends!! Oh, and, yes, Dylan buttoned his own shirt Easter morning! …
Second year of doing the glow-in-the-dark egg hunt. Who knew two dollars and letting them stay up 30 minutes past their bedtime …
On the evening before Easter the kids had fun scattering plastic eggs filled with candy on the lawns of two families in …
We had a race to gather the “lost sheep” into their pen! When Jesus shares the parable of the lost sheep, we …
The kids love the movie Despicable Me, so we made some minion eggs this year. Cody kept trying to make his brother …
Had fun with friends hunting eggs and celebrating Easter together!
Gave the kids some rainbow seeds for St. Patrick’s Day!
Dressed in all green, we headed out for a St. Patrick’s Day parade that didn’t happen. Well, at least it didn’t happen …
Dylan and Abigail walking into the boys’ basketball award celebration was just the sweetest. Little hand holders. Cody missed team pictures at …