
Some words to remember:

1. Abigail told me that she loves my bikini bread (referring to zucchini bread).

2. When Dylan undressed for his shower, he looked at me and said, “Feast your eyes!”  I have no idea where he comes up with this!

3. Abigail told me after asking me permission for the millionth thing that day, “You sure have a lot of yes’s in you!”  She had no idea how much that blessed my heart right then because she had no idea how physically and mentally exhausted I was that evening and how I had to push my responses through a sea of no’s that were begging to be uttered instead.  It was a mommy moment that made me feel good.

4. Dylan was genuinely concerned that he didn’t know who to marry and said, “Well, there is one girl, but…all the other girls I would think of already have rings.”

5. Dylan was close to tears during penmanship class one day when I wouldn’t let him just write the letters however he wanted.  I kept directing him to the guide chart.  Exasperated, he finally said, “So, basically, you’re saying I have to write the letters the way you want them.”  Ummm, yes.

6. Cody one day, “It’s funny, but the closer I get to 12 the more I seem to want hugs.”

7.  After Dylan wrote a sentence perfectly, tough words and all, I praised him.  He climbed into my lap as I hugged him tightly.  The hug lingered a moment, and Dylan responded, “We’re sort of having a romantic moment here.”  Then he pulled away and raised his eyebrows at me twice!

8.Found it incredibly sweet when Anna’s friend told Anna that she wrote about me for a journal report in school.  Love my kids’ friends!

9. I let Dylan know that something he did was very smart.  He agreed and then thought he would add, “After all, I am handsome!”

10. Abigail climbed up into bed with me one morning.  Her words were so wonderful to wake up to, “I love you, Mama.  I want to come lay with you.  And I’ll probably hug on you too.”

11. I heard some thuds going down the basement stairs after Dylan had opened the door to go down there.  I checked on him and found him sprawled out at the bottom of the steps.  Without missing a beat, he says to me, “Now that’s how a man takes a tumble!”

12.  I have had to talk to Cody about not correcting his brother and sisters and to keep his nose in his business.  As we were leaving the pediatrician’s office, something was going on in the back seat that I could tell Cody did not approve of.  He sat next to me in the passenger seat, and I watched as he slowly turned around, lips pursed, fighting off the urge to speak.  I acknowledged that I noticed and that I was proud of him.  He confirmed that this was, indeed, the situation.  Then he expressed the agony he was feeling, “My heart hurts.”  We laughed as he truly feels physical pain by not correcting his siblings!

13. Dylan kept trying to play and be silly with me one night as he was getting ready for bed.  Shawn told him he needed to stop now.  Dylan said, “Okay, I won’t do that to your wife.”

14.  Cody told us that Shawn would not get mad at them if they ate his candy.  He let us know that his dad is “aggressively compassionate.”  “He shows his compassion in an aggressive way.” (Wrestling, etc…)

15. Cody had an appointment with the doctor to get his cast put on.  When the man came in I whispered to Dylan and Abigail, as they were playing a game, that they needed to not talk while he was in the room.  There was COMPLETE silence, and Abigail accidentally let out a toot that seemed to go on forever!  Anna buried her head into her knees in complete embarrassment.  Everyone was trying hard to keep their composure after that!

16. When asked by Cody if I was going to come in and watch him at martial arts, I told him I would be in in a minute.  I wanted to put some makeup on first.  He said, “Just don’t put any of that red lipstick on.”  (I bought some for a baseball game but never wore it.  Clearly, that was a good call.)

17. Anna: “Mom, there’s a button that says do not touch….and, now, I kind of want to touch it.”  Now she understands how Adam and Eve felt.

18. Cody talking about Abigail sleeping: “Aw, I just kind of want to quietly go up there and give her a little kiss on her cheek because I do that to you when you’re sleeping too, and it doesn’t wake you.”  You do??

19. Anna told me that she was planning on going downstairs and giving one of her brothers a piece of her mind.  When she went downstairs, though, she heard Abigail singing, “Oh, be careful little mouth what you say,” and she felt too convicted to carry out her plan.

20. After Abby saw a photo of a pig on a skewer for Shawn’s company dinner she said, “Daddy, if you don’t like your food, just call Mommy.”

21. Abigail: “When I get to Heaven I’m going to follow Grandma around everywhere!”  Get ready, Mom!

22. Dylan heckling the movie Tangled, “Really?  And you never thought about using that glowing hair?…Then use it.”

23. Dylan scrolling through this blog, “Good times.  Good times.”

24.  When Abigail wanted me to help her write down my birthday list of what she wanted to surprise me with, she had me close my eyes as she told me to write “cho……..(and then as fast as she could say it)….colate.”  She was so proud of how she kept that a secret!

25. Dylan has always had a gag reflex when eating food he doesn’t like.  He truly struggles.  So after eating all his corn (and keeping it down) he shouts, “That tasted like victory!”

26. Abigail sang a song and asked me if I liked it.  I told her that I did.  Pleased, she asked, “Do you like every little part of me?”

27. Dylan has always been a happy child, smiling at a very early age, so I thought it was cute when he was talking about someone else that he said, “I think God just made her really happy, like me.”

28.  Dylan improvising on the song “Who Took The Cookies From the Cookie Jar”….  “It was actually me.  I just wanted one but then couldn’t stop myself. 911.”

29.  I found a paper where Anna had written her definition of happiness.  “Happiness is having parents.”