It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon, so we headed for the corn maze near our home. Cody and Anna were each given a yellow map with numbered markers listed. It was a magnificent treasure hunt. Cody was filled with pure excitement trying to figure out the map as he loves the whole pirate thing right now. (In fact, my coins from my purse are still hidden somewhere in his treasure box, buried beneath the sand in his sand box out back.) We made it through the winding paths and found every check point. Along the way, Cody and Anna found several caterpillars. Anna carried the last one around until she found a suitable “garden” for it to stay. Anna and Cody each got to feed the family’s horse some carrots. I am pretty sure, though, Anna’s favorite experience was chasing the chickens around the farm. Oh, how she laughed about that! I posted a photo below in black and white. This picture was taken as Anna was sneaking up to chase another chicken. However, out from the rafters a chicken flew down and scared the kids silly! They were certain they were about to be attacked, and Anna was getting ready to bolt! It was the funniest sight! We laughed so hard! This was such a pleasant farm and such a sweet family that runs it. A great morning in the “country.”
*And lest I forget…Anna giggled over the markings on the “zebra” chicken in the pen. She called it this due to his black and white marks. Such a way of looking at the world!
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