Last week, Cody, you turned five years old. I remember when you were born the thought of the school years and such seemed so far off, yet here we are. One Friday evening over five years ago I got this wonderful feeling and just “knew” something incredible was about to happen. I was filled with praise. The next day I found out I was pregnant with you! I remember how new everything was when we brought you home from the hospital. I remember standing beside your crib many nights praying for direction, feeling so very inadequate. I am so proud of how you have grown. You are maturing so much and are so much fun to be around. You are very strong and know what you want. You enjoy having me by your side right now but are also quite independent. I posted this photo below of the start of your growing independence. You were probably about two years old and desired to take more care of yourself. You used to tell me in parking lots as we watched for cars that you could now hold your own hand and wouldn’t need my assistance. And that is exactly what you would do, just hold tightly to your tiny hands as you walked through the parking lots or rode speedily down a slide or walked a flight of stairs. I got the most bittersweet feeling watching you. Right now you love catching creatures outside. We actually have a frog loose somewhere in the house right now as a result of Daddy bringing one in to show you the next morning. When we all woke up, though, your bug box was empty! Smart frog! You love playing soccer, video games, playing outside, and art. Your favorite color is still blue, and you still love books just as you did as a baby. I love how deep your personality and interests go. I find you complex. It is what I love about you. You love so many things, and they come pretty naturally for you. You are great with directions. If I ever lose my car in a parking lot you could find it. You love taking things apart to see how they are made. You ask questions and try to figure things out. I am amazed at the little bits of knowledge you pick up here and there. You are also so well liked among the other children, but you don’t feel as if you need to try. Maybe this is why people love being around you so much. You are genuine. You are also quite content to be on your own when you desire, and I admire that. Cody, God has wonderful things planned for your life. So as you keep on growing more and more independent and need your Daddy and me less remember always to seek direction from your Heavenly Father. He will

never fail you. I love you, Sweetheart. Happy Birthday!
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