That is exactly what we did today. We got out and just enjoyed the beautiful colors of fall. Cody and Anna were in such great spirits and giggled away the whole morning. When taking a picture of Anna, Cody ran right up and threw his arm around her. How precious! There are so many silly pictures that I got of both of them, so many crazy faces made to make each other burst into laughter. Maybe I will share those at a later time, for now I will share what others may consider the more “polished.” They are ALL my favorites, and I cherish being able to share each day with two of my most precious joys in this world. Some friends of Cody and Anna came over to play outside, and it was so much fun watching them run all over in our neighborhood, laughing and carrying on like children do. Cody and Anna later got into a game of hide and seek, and I still smile every time I hear Cody call out his interpretation of the phrase, “Ready or not, here I come!” He still shouts, “Here I not. Here I come!” Simply too adorable to correct!

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