Okay, just catching up on some photos from our family reunion back in July. I was at the beginning of morning sickness which may explain why it has taken me so long to post this; also, there were just too many cute photos to choose from. Check out Anna’s grass skirt and coconut shells…….aren’t they adorable?! I took Cody to the party store to pick out his special attire, and I was reminded that Cody has his own sense of style right now. It was so funny watching him pass on things he found ridiculous for a boy to wear, like the grass skirt or hawaiian hats, etc. His face beamed when he saw the shell necklace and knew immediately that was what he wanted to sport to the reunion. He still asks to wear it a lot at home and loves when someone takes note of it! Cody had fun at Grandma and Grandpa’s house playing with the little toads that hop about in their yard (and house when Grandpa lets one in for Cody). Anna’s cutest saying while there I remember was seeing Grandma in the kitchen at church and pointing to her and saying, “That lady loves me!” Anna is all about referring to people according to gender right now! (smile) Cody and Anna also enjoyed Grandpa catching a raccoon for them while there…….In fact, I can easily see Cody purchasing land in the country when older. He is all about nature right now. Also, check out the pinata photos. I was impressed with the amount of force Cody put forth in wacking that Hula Girl! (Sounds morbid, I know, but he did awesome) Oh, and, by the way, our family is not from Hawaii nor did we go there for this reunion, although, that would be fun…..just the theme for this year!
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