On Shawn’s and my anniversary we found out we were expecting baby #3! A week or so ago I noticed people began noticing my baby bump and even had a woman walk past me and then come back just because she said she had to know if I was expecting! So I figured it was time to give this little one a posting (smile.) This is our first picture of the baby, albeit blurry, but it was taken around 8 weeks, so a lot has changed. In four more weeks I will, hopefully, find out if we are having a boy or girl. Cody says now he wants a baby brother, while Anna says she wants a sister. I don’t think they really care too much or have fully grasped the whole idea. Cody in the beginning had a difficult time understanding that it was a baby growing inside me and not just a sore throat that was keeping me from letting him jump off the bed into my arms at nighttime. I have to admit it does sound like a strange thing to a child, a baby inside of someone. When Cody began to realize it was indeed a baby, he began asking what else I had in my belly. He began throwing out ridiculous objects in question like light bulbs and such! Anna has been very careful with my tummy and talks about the baby probably more frequently than Cody. She definitely has a little mommy side to her. It feels good to be in the second trimester now and am so thrilled to have heard the baby’s heartbeat on several doctor visits. Now I am looking forward to those first kicks. I feel so blessed to be given one more child to care for and love, one more sweet face to kiss, and one more tiny bundle of joy spilling over with his/her own distinct personality.
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