This weekend I had a wonderful time spending Mother’s Day with Cody and Anna. I went out with some friends Friday night, so Shawn, Cody and Anna spent that evening putting together a special surprise for me including artwork that Cody and Anna made. Cody was so excited about it that he couldn’t keep it a secret for very long. As soon as he saw me Saturday morning he excitedly asked Shawn if I could open his present to me. It was so sweet! The next day (Mother’s Day) we went out to eat to one of my favorite restaurants, Macaroni Grill, where the waiter writes his name on the paper tablecloth at your table. This is where I received one of the best surprises yet, and very unexpected. Halfway into eating, I heard Cody say something like, “Y spells me!” I looked over at him to see what he was doing, and there in front of him he had written his name for the first time all by himself on the paper tablecloth!! I was so thrilled, and, of course, we totally ripped that piece of the tablecloth off to keep as a special memory! That little unexpected moment and letters written out in crayon so carefully on that spaghetti-stained tablecloth was such a wonderful gift in itself! It meant so much to me, and I treasure that little piece of paper!
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