Anna has recently claimed the alphabet song. Sometimes when Cody tries to join in with her to sing she tells him “No, that’s my song.” We tell her that it’s not nice to do that to Cody, so in the car today after church of all times (smile) Anna told Cody he could not sing the song with her. We gave her a “hard talk” as Cody puts it. That, however, did not stop her from trying to outsmart us! Anna and Cody began singing again, and I thought everything was fine, and their little voices sounded so sweet as they sang. However, Cody stopped singing after awhile to inform Shawn and me that Anna actually SANG “Stop it” to Cody in the middle of the alphabet song! I was kind of in disbelief because my ears never picked up on it, but Shawn began bursting with laughter as he took his mind back a few seconds earlier and tuned in to what she really had sung. A few minutes later Cody and Anna were back to singing, and I couldn’t believe how easily Anna sneaked those words into the song once again! To the tune Anna was able to work her impolite request into the lyrics; it went something like this “Q, R, S, T, Stop it, Stop it U, V!” How sneaky! At the age of two Anna is already figuring out how to use subliminal messages to get her point across!
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