Anna has entered the two year old phase running! She is so active and busy these days! Today was a particularly energetic day for her, and I felt like my mind couldn’t keep up. Her little hands were into everything! While making her breakfast, she tried to pull down plates from the counter to see what was on them. While I walked into another room this morning, she (with the help of her big brother) managed to pull all of Shawn’s clothes and my shoes out of our bedroom armoire in an effort to make a huge landing pad for the two of them to throw their bodies onto. They thought that was quite fun; however, I needed more convincing! Anna also had fun pulling the toilet paper from the roll in the bathroom while I was helping Cody with something today. She also managed to dump all of my cookie cutters and pile of library books onto the floor in what seemed like a blink of an eye. Outside I watched her trying to rub moon sand all over Cody’s hair and eat some for herself as well! She also makes a lot of noise (happy noise at that, but still noise) for no reason at all……all day long. The other day I gave her some Cheerios (no milk in it) for a snack. I couldn’t believe it when I looked over and saw her tip her bowl over just to watch it pour out! So this afternoon, on top of everything else from the day, Anna managed to dump her bowl of grapes all over the floor. I sort of felt numb to the craziness at that point. Anna then stood up and loooked at her mess in disbelief and said to herself, “Gracious!” I have never heard her say that word before, and it just made me laugh at her cute little self! She is so full of life and so much fun right now. I wouldn’t trade the messes and chasing after her fast little body for anything in the world! I love it!
The other day, I took Cody and Anna to our local butterfly home and to their outside garden to burn off some of that energy. Cody kept his elbow out almost the whole time hoping a butterfly would land on him. I was hoping too for his sake one would. I had several land on me, and Anna had one land on her before we left but none on Cody. He didn’t seem to mind, though. He was just happy he got to touch the butterfly on Anna’s jeans before we left! He was thrilled about that. Here are a few photos of our time there.
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